Free yourself from dysfunctional family roles, learn how to settle conflicts, maintain healthy boundaries, and have closer, more meaningful relationships in therapy with one or more or all of your family members. We offer therapy both in-person and online using telehealth. Keep reading to learn about some of the common issues with which we can help you and your family.

Improve Communication

Miscommunication and unresolved conflicts can create distance, tension, and resentment in any family, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Perhaps you’re struggling with generational differences, unresolved family trauma, or fear of honest expression. During family therapy, you’ll safely explore the root of the issue, heal from the past, and learn how to resolve conflicts constructively for a healthier future together. Imagine transforming misunderstandings into meaningful conversations, strengthening the bonds that hold your family together, and making your home a place of warmth and connection.

Support Loved Ones

Mental illness, substance use, or traumatic experiences can ripple through a family, impacting everyone. It’s normal to feel uncertain, overwhelmed, or even frustrated when you’re not sure how to help. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate this alone. During family therapy, you’ll deepen your understanding of these challenges, learn effective coping skills, and practice creating a nurturing environment that allows everyone to feel heard and valued. Rather than allowing these common issues to tear your family apart, imagine facing them as a strong and united family with confidence and hope.

Enhance Connection

Do you feel as though your family has simply grown apart or lost a sense of connection with one another? Especially as kids grow up or family members move away from home, many lose that deep sense of connection that everyone deserves to feel. In family therapy, we’ll explore the underlying issues affecting your emotional intimacy and work on improving connection for your family system despite the variety of changes life brings. Imagine rekindling the warmth and closeness in your relationships with positive changes that enhance the overall family dynamic. We’re here to help.

Navigate Hard Moments

We’ve all been there. Life can throw us all sorts of hard moments, such as divorce, health issues, estrangement, relocation, or the loss of a loved one. During these moments, we need connection and support. However, this may be challenging to find among family members when each is impacted differently and emotions feel intense. During family therapy, we’ll help you to process and share your emotions in a safe setting that allows you to experience compassion and care from those you love. You and your family absolutely can navigate, and even grow closer, despite life’s challenges.

Raise Teenagers

The teenage years can be a rollercoaster of challenges often affecting the whole family. It’s normal to feel frustrated, worried, and upset as you witness changes in your child and shift into a new era of parenting. In family therapy, we’ll navigate this complicated developmental period together. By providing practical strategies, creating a safe place to practice boundaries, and improving communication we can help you to ensure a healthy and nurturing family environment. Picture a home where conflicts are managed constructively and your family maintains strong relationships during these transformative years. We’re here to help you navigate all the ups and downs of parenting your teen.

Unify Blended Families

Being part of a blended family can be both rewarding and challenging as you bring together different parenting styles, personalities, and traditions. It’s totally normal to face some friction as everyone adjusts. However, leaving challenges unresolved can lead to erosion of relationships over time. In family therapy, we'll work through these challenges together and help you to develop strategies to create a cohesive and loving family unit. You'll learn how to establish healthy boundaries, communicate effectively, and foster strong bonds among all family members. Picture your family finding harmony and unity, despite the initial hurdles that blending families together brings. We’re here to help you navigate this journey.

Meet our family therapists

Each of our family therapists have extensive training and provide affirmative therapy to families of all types. While each of them may pull from different theories such as family systems, differentiation theory, Internal Family Systems, and attachment theory, they are all equipped to tailor the therapeutic journey to you and your family’s needs.

Simply click on one (or more) to schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation.